Congressman Sestak, said at a town hall in Philadelphia, he would sign the pledge too if the pledge did not have its second part stating that the bill be available to the American People on the internet for at least 72 hours before the bill is voted on. Congressman Lincoln Davis' (D-TN) staff said he would sign the pledge too if more democrats have signed it. Congressman Ed Towns (D-NY) told a constituent he would sign the pledge but has not at this time. Representative Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) told Megyn Kelley of Fox News in an interview that the pledge was on her desk, but she has not signed it as well.
What is really sad is, out of 535 seats in Congress, 118 have agreed to read the healthcare bill before they will vote on it. This shows how out of touch Washington is with the American People. Most simply do not understand that they work for us, WE DO NOT WORK FOR THEM, and until Congress realizes this, they will just remain out of touch with America and we will not be the Republic we have always been.
For more information on Specter signing the pledge, read Washington Times Article here.